Media Coverage
Security loopholes in Android OS, social media putting 550m users' data at risk, Hong Kong researchers say
Media: South China Morning PostOver 550 million people worldwide are at risk of having their data hacked due to security loopholes in the Android phone or social media platforms they use, researchers in Hong Kong claim. Hackers can use malware to tap into Google Voice Search, the voice assistant module that is pre-installed on some Android devices, without the owner needing to ever activate the software, according to Professor Zhang Kehuan at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (... -
Android社交網 中大揭保安漏洞
Media: Oriental Daily News網絡世界資訊萬千,但獲取資訊同時亦有洩密風險。中文大學信息工程學系的科研團隊發現Android平台的語音系統,以及社交網站存在重大保安漏洞,黑客可趁用家不察,竊取用戶個人資料及訊息,預計全球數以億計用戶受影響。張克環說,已向Google反映問題,Google亦已修復部分問題。用戶的手機若設於鎖定狀態,黑客便無法攻擊。團隊研究了十二個主流社交網站,發現當中八個有相關問題。劉指,已向相關社交網站供應商建議加強保安,並正申請基金,期望未來一至兩年內建設測試平台,讓社交網站及應用程式供應商,測試網站及程式的安全。 -
University makes right connections in communications
Media: The StandardThe Chinese University of Hong Kong has been named one of the world's top 10 research institutions with the most impact on communications. Its department of information engineering was the only Asian institution on the Thomson Reuters list that published research papers that are the most highly cited by peers. "I am very pleased to see that our research performance and applications in telecommunications are outstanding and...