Media Coverage
Reaching Towards 2D Memory: Is Magnetic Graphene and Spintronics the Key?
Media: All About CircuitsRecent research spurs the prospect of 2D layered materials having the potential to play a significant role in memory and data processing applications. Recently, more research has been working towards different dimensions for memory––specifically 2.5D high-bandwidth memory and 3D NAND. Aside from those two dimensions, 2D is also making waves with the concept of spintronics and graphene. -
台處理出軌事故 顯港軟實力優勢
Media: Sing Tao Daily四月二日台灣花蓮發生嚴重鐵路事故,滿載乘客的火車與從山坡滑下的工程車相撞,造成四十九人死亡,包括年輕的火車司機。台灣國家運輸安全委員會翻看列車的「黑盒」,了解到司機看到工程車時已盡全力煞車。死者已矣,台灣鐵路管理局堅持殉職司機英勇盡責,然而,卻有部分人認為司機若於意外發生之前能及早慢駛,撞擊力便會大大減輕,死傷人數便不會如此慘重。雖然筆者對此評論不盡同意,但這一說法也是當頭棒喝,引發幾個技術問題:為甚麽司機是唯一的把關者?為甚麽到了最後七秒鐘,他才知道前面有失事工程車?這些問題,也值得香港設計運輸糸統的人思考。